The Most Important Thing To Do After Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

The Most Important Thing To Do After Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Removed
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Why should you get your wisdom teeth removed? It is uncommon for a person to have enough room for their wisdom teeth; they tend to grow in size. This can be inconvenient because it pushes your other teeth forward, allowing food to become trapped and increasing your risk of infection and decay. Such a situation requires wisdom tooth extraction.

This is why we frequently advise our patients to have their wisdom teeth extracted. We can examine you, take X-rays, and tell you if and when you should have an extraction procedure when you schedule an appointment with My Wisdom tooth Dentist.

This article examines pain relief options as well as the causes and aftercare.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Care

Following the post-operative care instructions listed below can help you recover faster after you get your wisdom teeth removed. They can also help you avoid infection after the procedure by reducing unnecessary pain and swelling.

The experienced dentists at My Wisdom tooth Dentist recommend that you do the following on the day of your surgery after wisdom teeth extraction:
You should limit your activities.
Touching the wound should be avoided.
Do not swish your mouth around vigorously.
Outside of the surgery site, apply ice to your cheeks.
Thirty minutes after your surgery, remove the gauze surgical pad.
As you start to feel pain, take the prescribed pain relievers.

Most people need them removed. This is because they grow at an angle or do not fully emerge. Third molars (wisdom teeth) frequently cause damage to the teeth next door, known as second molars. When wisdom teeth erupt sideways like this, it throws off your bite, creates a food trap, decays both teeth, and can even result in a painful infection.

Best wisdom tooth extraction

Common issues associated with wisdom teeth misalignment

  • Gums that are painful and swollen
  • Infection
  • Teeth in the area are crowded or damaged.
  • Nerve and jawbone damage is a possibility.
  • Understandably, patients are apprehensive about having their wisdom teeth removed.

What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

As with most things, preparation is essential. Build-up on foods that require little to no chewing, such as popsicles, ice cream, yogurt, warm soup, Jell-O, and other similar items. Foods should also have lots of vitamins, minerals, energy, and protein to assist wound healing.

What Happens After Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

After their wisdom teeth are removed, most patients prefer to rest for a few days. You may experience minor bleeding and pain after treatment. If you exercise regularly, remember to take a break if you feel dizzy. Everyone’s reaction is different, and pain can be mild or severe.

After surgery, you should expect some swelling. It typically peaks on the second day and then quickly fades away. To ensure maximum comfort and speedy healing, carefully follow your doctor’s instructions. In most cases, 3 to 5 days are sufficient!

Here are some additional wisdom tooth removal aftercare instructions to help you feel more at ease during your recovery:

  1. It’s not uncommon for a patient’s temperature to rise slightly after surgery. To treat a fever, take Tylenol or Ibuprofen, but be careful not to accept them simultaneously. Low blood sugar or medications can cause lightheadedness. To ensure a smooth transition from seated to standing, wait one minute in the seated position.
  2. Near the surgical sites, you may notice hard, sharp protrusions. These are most likely the bony walls that supported the tooth that has since been removed. These will usually smooth out on their own, but they can be removed if they persist. To avoid dry, cracked skin, keep your lips moisturized with an ointment like Vaseline. Due to swollen jaw and neck muscles, sore throats are uncommon. This should go away in about 2-3 days.
  3. After tooth extraction, don’t smoke for at least two days (48 hours). To avoid choking, don’t eat solid foods while your mouth is still numb. Don’t forget to take your prescriptions, which will help you feel more at ease and reduce swelling. Avoid taking aspirin, a blood thinner that can slow healing and cause clotting.

How should I sleep after wisdom teeth removal?

A single pillow should suffice when sleeping on your side if you’re having trouble sleeping in that position, lean back and pile a few pillows behind you for support.

Can you shower after wisdom teeth removal?

Based on your dentist’s instructions, you can shower immediately or not. However, the sutures that were used in the extraction site will disintegrate. In 3-10 days, they will emerge on their own. The day after surgery, light to moderate exercise will help reduce swelling and make you feel better. As much as possible, get up, move around, shower, and engage in everyday activities.

When can I eat solid food after wisdom teeth removal?

Around seven days after surgery, it’s recommended that you gradually introduce solid foods into your diet. Although wisdom tooth extraction is a simple procedure, recovery time can be lengthy. The area can still be sensitive, and you don’t want to put pressure on it. After a while, check with your dentist to find out if you can eat solid food.

Consult a Wisdom Tooth Dentist

My Wisdom Tooth dentists are always available to help you with your wisdom tooth problems. Before and after having wisdom teeth removed, you need as much professional advice as possible. Please book an appointment with one of our dentists to access the information you need concerning your wisdom tooth.

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