Aftercare For Wisdom Teeth Extraction – Recovery, Dos & Don’ts

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The healing process after a wisdom tooth extraction surgery is very delicate. This is because the impacted area is still sore and vulnerable. 

Although there are various reasons why you should remove your wisdom teeth, not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. You can still keep them if they don’t cause you any pain or discomfort. If not removed, you risk suffering from tooth decay, infection, or even damage to your cheeks and gums. Undergoing surgery may seem like a painful process but it’s not.

In this article, you’ll learn the best aftercare for wisdom tooth extraction and all the dos and don’ts associated with the healing process.

wisdom teeth aftercare

Wisdom Tooth Removal Aftercare 

Removing an uncomfortable wisdom tooth is very important. However, just like every other surgery, you are vulnerable to some feelings of discomfort during the healing process. 

How you care for the impacted area after the surgery is very important.

The thought of extracting your teeth can seem unbearable but it is worth it in the long term. After your wisdom tooth, the following are expected.

1. Bleeding 

There will be some bleeding after your tooth extraction. To contain the excessive blood, place a gauze over the bleeding area and bite down on the gauze for 30 minutes. This can help stop the bleeding.

If the bleeding persists, you can bite down on a moist tea bag for 30 minutes. It is essential to bite down on a moist tea bag because of its acidic properties. The acidic properties help in blood clotting; by constricting the blood vessels around the surgical site. 

Once, there’s bleeding, do sit upright. However, if the bleeding persists after all these processes, get in touch with your dentist.

2. Dry Socket 

When a freshly formed blood clot in the empty socket dissolves permanently, a dry socket develops. When a dry socket happens, the nerve endings become exposed and can lead to intense pain. A dry socket can last up to 5-7 days. 

A dry socket is preventable. To start, ensure you drink plenty of water and never drink with a straw till a full recovery has been made.  Also, go for only soft foods but some soups should be avoided as they can dislodge the blood clot.

3. Medication 

There have been cases where a patient’s current medication impacted negatively the extraction healing process. To avoid this, ensure you check with your dentist that any medication you may be on doesn’t harm you or disturbs your recovery. 

4. Diet

Once you discover that there is no more bleeding, drink plenty of lukewarm water to keep you hydrated. Also, ensure you eat healthily and regularly, start with soft food first. Avoid foods that can dislodge the blood clot such as peanuts, pasta, and even rice.

Soft foods like fruits and vegetables well blended, mashed potatoes, and puddings can be taken.

5. Swelling 

Expect to have swellings in your eyes, mouth, and cheek areas after the surgery. This is because of the wisdom tooth locations. It is usually located at the mouth posterior touching various parts of the state. 

To reduce the swelling, get an ice pack and apply it to your face. Allow it there for hours and it will wear off with time. 

6. Nausea 

Nausea accompanied by vomiting is a rampant case after wisdom tooth removal. This comes from the pain medication. To help curb this, do not take anything for at least an hour. You can just take things like tea or ginger till nausea subsides. 

NOTE: If you are unsure about how you would feel during the procedure, you can opt-in for the sedation option

Wisdom Teeth Recovery

How long is recovery for wisdom teeth? Wisdom tooth recovery usually takes 1-2 weeks for most patients. Most people don’t get their third and final set of molars, known as wisdom teeth until they’re in their early to mid-20s. Although healthy wisdom teeth are an asset to the mouth, they frequently become impacted when they grow in at an angle and become trapped below the gum line. This can lead to discomfort, infection, and even the destruction of adjacent teeth.

What to Eat After Wisdom Tooth Removal?

You ought to be mindful of the foods you eat after surgery. These foods should be soft and easy to chew. They must contain minerals, vitamins, energy, and protein. All these are geared towards assisting wound healing.  Below are foods you should take;

1. Apple Sauce

Apples are hard, making them not the ideal food for after a wisdom tooth surgery. So, eating apple sauce made from pureed sauce is a good option. You increase your fruit intake with it and avoid dislodging your blood clot. Pureed apple is skinless and is a good source of vitamin C. Vitamin C can help the wound healing process. 

2. Scrambled Eggs 

Eggs are high sources of proteins and they are rich in vitamins and minerals. A scrambled egg is easier to chew without putting any pressure on the sore area. 

3. Yoghurts

Yoghurt is a proteinous food with a creamy and smooth texture that can help in soothing and numb your mouth. Avoid yoghurt with ingredients that can be chewed like granola.

4. Smoothies

When you can’t eat a solid meal, smoothies help to boost your nutrition. They are made by pureeing fruits and vegetables in a blender. You should make use of seedless fruits in your smoothie. Never drink your smoothies from a straw. It can disrupt the healing process and lead to dry sockets. 

5. Soup and Broth

You can take broth-based soups though it might be a day or two after surgery. Take warm, not hot soups to get lots of nutrients and maintain a healthy diet after your surgery. Avoid soups with large meat chunks or vegetables. You can go with beef broth, chicken noodle soup, or cream of celery soup. 

6. Mashed Potatoes and Bananas

Potatoes are a good source of root vegetables. They have high energy requirements. Ensure that your mashed potatoes are lukewarm or cold, no hot food is allowed. 

Mashed bananas are quite popular. Bananas can be chewed or swallowed after a wisdom tooth removal surgery. Making bananas softer by mashing them. Reduces the textures and prevents the risk of discomfort. 

7. Jelly Pudding and Ice Cream

The Jelly is a variety of gelatine desserts, no-bake cream pies, and puddings. It comes in various flavours. You can also have ice cream as your welcome treat. There’s no stress in eating it and it makes for a good healing process. 

However, if you must have an ice cream or any sugary food, consult your dentist. Too much sugar can affect the teeth (tooth decay and cavities) and increase unhealthy bacteria. 

8. Pureed Seedless Fruits

These sorts of fruits should be used against conventional fruits with seeds. Use it and ensure it is blended properly. 

9. Cheese

Cheese is loaded with vitamins and minerals. It is very easy to chew and swallow considering it is soft and creamy. There’s also a high protein contact to aid recovery. 

What Foods to Avoid After Wisdom Teeth Removal

What you eat after your surgery can either inflict more pain or help you feel better. There are several foods that you need to avoid for the moment till your mouth heals completely. Below are some of the foods to avoid; 

1. Spicy Foods

Avoid spicy foods that may cause pain and discomfort. Avoid hot sauce and spicy pepper.

2. Acidic Foods

To recover quickly, stay away from acidic foods. They can cause a stinging sensation at the wound’s site and give you pain and discomfort. Acidic foods like citrus fruits (lemon and lime). Vinegar, coffee, and tomatoes need to be avoided. 

3. Hot Drinks

It is advised that you say No to hot drinks for the first 24 hrs as it may cause the blood clot to dislodge putting you at risk of dry socket. Ensure the drink has cooled down to room temperature before taking it. Also, avoid using straws for at least the next 24 hrs.

4. Seeds and Nuts

These are hard and crunchy, they can worsen your gums and get in the way of your healing process. No matter how small the size of the seed and nut is, they all do the same thing.

Foods like bread that have nuts are to be avoided. This is because of small food particles that can lodge in your tooth and cause pain to the surgical site. Therefore, hold off on all seeds and nuts till recovery. 

5. Crunchy Foods

Other crunchy foods are not seeds and nuts. The foods include popcorn. Chips, pizza, hamburgers, and many more. The trick is to avoid any food that will require excessive chewing. 

6. Drinking Alcohol

Skip alcohol till after your surgery and recovery. Drinking alcohol can be a risk for dry sockets. In the place of alcohol, take plenty of water which will even aid the healing process.

teeth extraction

Dos and Don’ts of After Wisdom Teeth Removal

When recovering from wisdom teeth extraction surgery, there are certain rules you should follow. This is because the early days after the surgery are very fragile. Ignoring these rules can cause your bleeding and pain to continue.

Below is a list of wisdom teeth extraction do’s and don’ts;


  • Rest for the next couple of days
  • Raise your head to reduce the swelling. 
  • To reduce the swelling and pain, use an ice pack on your face for the first 24 hrs after extraction. 
  • If there’s bleeding, bite down on the gauze pad.
  • Do gargle salt water solution once a day to keep your mouth clean.
  • Focus solely on soft food and liquid-like smoothies and mashed bananas for a few days.
  • Engage in jaw exercises – slow opening and closing of the mouth
  • Take plenty of water but not with a straw.
  • Brush gently and take your medication as prescribed by your dentist. 


  • Don’t smoke or consume alcohol to avoid the blood clot being dislodged. 
  • Immediately after your surgery, do not eat, talk or drink
  • Avoid solid foods like peanuts, popcorn, and chips. Also avoid hot, spicy, and carbonated foods and drinks. 
  • Don’t poke the tooth gap
  • Don’t take aspirin, it will delay your cloth formation
  • Don’t rinse your mouth strenuously. 

These are simple rules that can make your recovery process easier and faster.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can You Drink After Wisdom Teeth?

Your dentist will recommend drinking plenty of water every day and staying clear of alcohol till about 7 days after the extraction. 

How Long Will It Take to Recover After Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

It can take up to 2 weeks to make a full recovery from having your wisdom tooth removed. 

What Can You Not Do After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

You can’t use straws to drink, you can’t smoke or drink alcohol or eat solid food. 

How Do I Keep My Mouth Clean After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

If prescribed by your doctor, you use the salt water solution to rinse your mouth once or twice a week.

How Do You Take Care of Your Mouth After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

  • Rest as much as you can for the first few days.
  • Avoid strenuous activities
  • Place a cold compress or ice pack on your face to help reduce swelling and many other procedures.


The aftercare for wisdom tooth extraction is simple and straightforward. By following the tips in this article, you will be fully recovered in less than 2 weeks. 

Ensure you consult a wisdom tooth dentist to carry out the extraction and healing process. The doctor will also ensure that your recovery days are less painful while prescribing proper medication for you. 

It is very important that you consult a skilled dentist to avoid any future complications. My Wisdom Tooth Dentist Clinic is just the right clinic for the job. Feel free to contact us to book a consultation in any of our clinics around Australia.

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