Wisdom Tooth Removal Brisbane - Cheap Wisdom Teeth Removal Dentist Cost

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Wisdom Teeth Removal Brisbane - Affordable Wisdom Teeth Dental Cost

At My Wisdom Tooth Dentist, we’re dedicated to providing efficient, comfortable, and affordable Wisdom Teeth Removal in Brisbane. We specialise in expert wisdom tooth removal to maintain oral health and prevent future issues. Our skilled team ensures a comfortable, stress-free extraction process.

Wisdom teeth removal Perth

Our Dental Treatments

My Wisdom Tooth Dentist are committed to making your wisdom teeth removal experience efficient, comfortable and affordable. When it comes to Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Brisbane, our state-of-the-art facility and experienced team make the process as comfortable as possible.

What are wisdom teeth?

The final molars (back teeth) to erupt are the wisdom teeth, which typically do so in late adolescence or early adulthood. This is a natural aspect of the mouth’s growth. While most people have two in the upper jaw and two in the lower jaw, some have more, fewer, or no wisdom teeth.

Some wisdom teeth emerge without creating problems, while others are troublesome and may require extraction or other treatment.

Brisbane QLD wisdom teeth removal

Wisdome tooth removal Brisbane

Problems with wisdom teeth

While some wisdom teeth emerge through the gum without any problems, others emerge at an angle and press against the gum or the tooth that comes after them. Impaction is the technical term for this.

A wisdom teeth impaction can be uncomfortable and might lead to infection. Brushing their teeth is a challenge. Between the wisdom teeth and the tooth next to them, food particles and microorganisms can get stuck, leading to decay and gum infections.

The upper jaw’s crowded wisdom teeth frequently tilt sideways and press up against the face. Chewing problems and cheek ulcers may result from this.

wisdom tooth removal cost Brisbane

The cost of removing a single wisdom tooth in Brisbane starts at $350, while the removal of all four wisdom teeth costs around $1400. This includes a consultation and X-rays. Pricing can vary depending on the medical condition and requirements of the patient and the materials used. 

Procedure Wisdom Tooth Removal Cost
Wisdom tooth removal $350
All 4 wisdom teeth removal $1400

Procedure for wisdom tooth removal in Brisbane QLD 4105

X-rays can be used to assess the likelihood that wisdom teeth will cause problems. Some wisdom teeth are not bothersome and do not need to be removed.

The most common type of pain management is local anesthesia, which may be administered if your wisdom teeth need to be removed in order to make the procedure painless. If your wisdom teeth are severely impacted (blocked from coming through) or for other medical reasons, you might be offered general anesthesia.

Because wisdom teeth are so large, it may be necessary to sew the gap left by the tooth extraction to promote healing. After having wisdom teeth removed, it is common for your jaw and gums to feel painful, swollen, and bleed for a few days.

A dry socket (alveolar osteitis) is a consequence of wisdom tooth removal when the tooth’s region does not heal correctly. Signs include lousy breath and acute socket pain. Your dental health expert can successfully treat a dry socket.


Schedule an appointment with us for a consultation to determine if wisdom teeth removal is necessary.


During the consultation for wisdom teeth removal, we may take x-rays to gain a comprehensive understanding of your dental condition. 

Sedation Options

We arrange for sedation options to ensure a comfortable and painless removal procedure. This may include twilight sedation

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

During the wisdom teeth removal procedure, all infected, impacted, and painful wisdom teeth are extracted.


After the procedure, it is important to review the results. Sheduling regular hygiene appointments can help maintain good oral health.

Best wisdom teeth removal in Brisbane QLD

Wisdom teeth removal in Brisbane QLD

How Are Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

Your dental surgeon in Brisbane will make an incision in the gums to reveal the tooth once the anaesthetic has worn off and you are comfortable. Depending on the tooth’s location, size, and developmental stage, it may be extracted whole or in smaller parts.

Are Wisdom Teeth Always Extracted?

Wisdom teeth, generally removed only if they are causing or are likely to create issues in the future. There are no clinically established health advantages to wisdom tooth extraction that aren’t associated with problems. Furthermore, wisdom tooth extraction is typically painful and might result in adverse effects.

Reasons For Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Extraction of wisdom teeth is often done to prevent or treat the following symptoms:

  • Crowded teeth
  • Wisdom teeth that have decayed
  • Wisdom teeth that have become impacted
  • Wisdom teeth that are partially impacted
  • Infection or inflammation of the gums
  • Damage to the bones
  • The discomfort mentioned above

Impacted wisdom teeth could occur for several reasons, including:

  • It may harm or infect the second molar if the wisdom teeth press against it. Other teeth may become crowded as a result of this pressure, necessitating orthodontic treatment to correct.
  • Cysts. Wisdom teeth grow in jawbone sacs. When the sac fills with fluid, a cyst can harm the jawbone, teeth, and nerves. Rarely, a tumour form, is generally noncancerous (benign). Tissue and bone removal may be required due to this condition.
  • Decay. Wisdom teeth that have been partially affected appear to be more prone to dental caries than healthy teeth. This is probably due to the difficulty of cleaning wisdom teeth and the ease with which food and germs can become lodged on gum and an erupted teeth.
  • Gum disease affects gums and teeth. Pericoronitis, a painful gum condition, can result from cleaning partially erupted, impacted wisdom teeth.

wisdom teeth removal near me

Impacted Wisdom Teeth Signs And Symptoms

When you see the following signs and symptoms:


  1. Swollen gums and jaw discomfort: If your jaw becomes painful, tight, or difficult to open, you may have a wisdom tooth erupting. The gums on the sides of your jaw may expand as a result of this.
  2. This is one sign to be aware of: bad breath and an unpleasant taste in your mouth. Wisdom teeth may be erupting if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms. Please contact us My wisdom Tooth Dentist in Brisbane QLD 4105 as soon as possible so that we can assess your situation and determine what treatment you may require.
  3. Sinus discomfort and pressure: One method to tell whether your wisdom teeth (on the upper jaw) is coming in is if you have pain in your sinuses. Because the impacted tooth presses on the sinuses, this happens.
  4. Gums that are tender or bleeding, as well as earaches, are indicators that you may be suffering from impacted wisdom teeth.
  5. Make an appointment with your dentist if you detect any of these symptoms. You don’t want the situation to deteriorate further. When you visit the warm and friendly dentists here, you won’t be afraid to schedule an appointment.

Brisbane Queensland Australia

Brisbane is the capital and most populous city in the Australian state of Queensland and the third most populous city in Australia. Brisbane’s metropolitan area has a population of 2.35 million, and the South East Queensland region, centred on Brisbane, encompasses a population of more than 3.5 million. The Brisbane central business district stands on the original European settlement and is situated inside a bend of the Brisbane River, about 15 kilometres from its mouth at Moreton Bay. 

Looking for Wisdom tooth removal in Brisbane QLD?

Suppose you are around this area, BulwerCowan CowanGreen Island and Moreton Island. Along with these nearby attractions: Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Surfers ParadiseCaboolture Historical Village, Tamborine Rainforest SkywalkWoody Point JettyInfinity AttractionLake EdenPicnic Point Lookout and Picnic Point Lookout. Feel free to visit us anytime!

Wisdom tooth removal is a standard procedure in Brisbane. Wisdom teeth removal is typically an outpatient procedure, meaning you can go home the same day. The entire process usually takes less than an hour.

Before the procedure, your dentist will numb the area around your wisdom teeth with a local anesthetic. This will help to ensure that you are comfortable during the process. Next, your dentist will make an incision in your gums to access your wisdom teeth. Once your wisdom teeth are exposed, your dentist will remove them using a unique dental tool.

After your wisdom teeth have been removed, your gums will be stitched up. You may experience some swelling and discomfort after the procedure, but this is normal. Your dentist will give you pain medication to help you manage discomfort; following your dentist’s instructions for caring for your mouth after the procedure is essential.

Wisdom tooth removal is a standard and relatively simple procedure. You can expect to heal quickly and without complications with proper care.

Driving Direction via Gladstone Rd in Brisbane QLD

  • Take Cultural Centre Tunnel to Peel St/State Route 10
  • Continue on State Route 10. Take Gladstone Rd, Fairfield Rd and Park Rd to National Route 13 in Moorooka

How to Choose the Best Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery Procedure

When it’s time to have your wisdom teeth removed, you want to make sure you choose the best surgical procedure for you. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. The type of anesthesia. There are three types of anesthesia used for wisdom teeth removal: local, IV sedation, and general anesthesia. Local anesthesia numbs the area around your wisdom teeth. IV sedation puts you in a twilight sleep. General anesthesia puts you to sleep.
  2. The experience of the surgeon. It’s essential to choose a surgeon experienced in wisdom teeth removal.
  3. The type of surgery. There are two types of surgery: simple extraction and surgical extraction. A simple extraction is when the surgeon removes the tooth in one piece. A surgical extraction is when the surgeon cuts the tooth into pieces before removing it.
  4. The recovery time. Recovery time depends on the type of surgery you have. Simple extraction has a shorter recovery time than a surgical extraction.
  5. The cost. The cost of wisdom teeth removal varies depending on the type of surgery you have.

Talk to your dentist about which wisdom teeth removal surgery procedure is best for you.

Impacted wisdom teeth

What are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth usually come in between the ages of 17 and 25. By the time they come in, you’re old enough to have wisdom but young enough that they’re not called “old age teeth.”

Most people have four wisdom teeth in each corner of the mouth. But it’s possible to have more, fewer, or even no wisdom teeth. And some people have them removed before they ever come in.

Wisdom teeth can be a real pain—literally. They can crowd other teeth and cause problems with biting and chewing. They can also get infected, which can be very painful.

Your dentist or orthodontist may suggest having your wisdom teeth extracted if they are causing you any discomfort. The removal of wisdom teeth is a fairly common procedure, and it is typically fairly simple.

So, there you have it: everything you need to know about wisdom teeth. Now you can impress your friends with your knowledge of this often-misunderstood set of teeth.

When Do Most People Lose Their Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth usually fall out in late adolescence or early adulthood. Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to come in, and they often come in crooked or at an angle. This can crowd other teeth and cause problems. Wisdom teeth are also more likely to get cavities.

What to Expect After Your Procedure in Brisbane QLD?

Wisdom teeth extraction is a standard oral surgery procedure. Here’s what you can expect after your wisdom teeth have been removed.

Most people experience discomfort after wisdom teeth extraction, but this is usually manageable with over-the-counter pain medication. You may also have some swelling in your face, which can be controlled with ice packs.

It’s essential to keep your mouth clean after wisdom teeth extraction. You’ll need to brush your teeth gently and avoid drinking from straws to prevent dislodging the blood clots forming in the extraction sites.

You can expect to see some improvement in your symptoms within a few days, but it may take a week or two for your mouth to heal completely. Once your mouth has healed, you’ll be able to eat all your favourite foods again!

Moorooka Brisbane Clinic

Frequently Asked Questions About Wisdom Teeth Removal

How Much For Wisdom Teeth Removal In Brisbane?

In Brisbane, Single wisdom tooth removal ranges from $75 to $350. Cost of wisdom teeth removal varies based on factors like procedure complexity, anesthesia type, and location.

Is Wisdom Teeth Removal Painful?

Yes, there can be some discomfort, but don’t worry—it’s usually temporary and can be managed with medication. The level of pain depends on how complicated the procedure is and the type of anesthesia used.

How Long Does Wisdom Teeth Surgery Take?

The duration of wisdom teeth removal in Brisbane depends on a few things, like how many teeth need removing and how complex the procedure is. On average, it takes about an hour, but it might be longer for more involved cases.

Can I work the next day after extraction?

Take at least a day off for rest and recovery post-wisdom tooth extraction. Avoid strenuous activities for 48 hours after the procedure.

Can A Regular Dentist Pull Wisdom Teeth?

Yes, a regular dentist can usually perform wisdom teeth removal. Complex cases may be referred to an oral surgeon.

Does Removing Wisdom Teeth Change Face Shape?

Minimal and temporary face shape changes may occur, but they’re generally insignificant.

Do I always have to extract wisdom teeth?

Not necessarily. If your wisdom teeth are healthy, fully grown, in the right position, and you can clean them properly, extraction might not be needed.

Can an impacted wisdom tooth be dangerous?

Impacted wisdom teeth can sometimes cause infections, and in rare cases, these infections can be serious.

What To Expect During Wisdom Teeth Removal Treatment?

You’ll first receive some numbing techniques. It might be local anaesthetic (you’ll be aware and may feel pressure but not pain), sedation (you’ll be awake but have a reduced level of consciousness and won’t recall anything), or general anaesthesia (you’ll be fully unconscious and won’t remember anything). The kind you receive is determined by how tough the dentist or surgeon believes the surgery will be, as well as your level of anxiety. It’s important to discuss this with your dental team ahead of time since, depending on the type of anaesthesia you’ll be having, you’ll be recommended to avoid from eating or drinking for a particular number of hours before the surgery.

What if I don't remove impacted wisdom teeth?

Leaving impacted wisdom teeth untreated could lead to infections or the development of cysts that can harm your bone and gum tissue.

Are You Awake For Wisdom Teeth Removal?

During the tooth extraction, you are awake. Although there will be some pressure and movement, there should be no discomfort: anesthesia and sedation.

Is It Possible To Get Your Wisdom Teeth Extracted Without Sleeping?

You do not have to be put to sleep to have your wisdom teeth removed. The wisdom teeth extraction can be done while the patient is awake and the mouth is numbed with a local anaesthetic.

How long does it take to recover from wisdom teeth removal?

Initial healing takes a few days, and full recovery might take a couple of weeks.

Are There Risks Associated With Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Complications are rare but can include infection, dry socket, nerve damage, and swelling. Your dentist will discuss these with you beforehand.

Can I Drive Home After The Surgery?

If you had sedation, it’s a good idea to have someone else drive you home, as sedation can affect your ability to drive safely.

Can I Eat Regular Food After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Start with soft foods and liquids, gradually reintroducing solid foods as you heal.

How Do I Care For The Surgical Sites After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Follow post-operative care instructions, maintaining cleanliness and gentleness in oral hygiene.

Is Wisdom Tooth Removal Covered By Medical Insurance?

Standard medical insurance may not cover it in Australia. Check dental or health insurance for coverage details.

Do They Put You To Sleep For Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Different types are used, including local anesthesia, sedation, or general anesthesia, depending on the complexity of the procedure and your preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Wisdom teeth are the third molars in the rear of our mouths, and they don’t always need to be extracted as long as they’re healthy, have fully grown in, are biting appropriately, and can be cleaned as part of routine oral care.
Aside from inappropriate touch, there are additional ways that impacted wisdom teeth impair surrounding teeth, particularly when it comes to the transmission of dangerous germs that may cause pain and, in some cases, life-threatening infections. The majority of these diseases begin and spread without warning.
A partly erupted wisdom tooth can develop pericoronitis, a bacterial infection, if you don’t have them removed. A wisdom tooth that fails to erupt, on the other hand, might produce a cyst, which can harm bone and gum tissue. Wisdom teeth are commonly removed due to their crooked appearance.

During the tooth extraction, you are awake. Although there will be some pressure and movement, there should be no discomfort: anesthesia and sedation. Your oral surgeon or Wisdom Tooth dentist in Brisbane QLD uses an intravenous (IV) line in your arm to administer sedative anaesthetic.

You do not have to be put to sleep to have your wisdom teeth removed. The wisdom teeth extraction can be done while the patient is awake and the mouth is numbed with a local anaesthetic.

Your mouth might take up to six weeks to recover fully. You won’t open your mouth generally for approximately a week, so that soft meals will be required. You may have some discomfort, bleeding, and edema following surgery.

You’ll first receive some numbing techniques. It might be local anaesthetic (you’ll be aware and may feel pressure but not pain), sedation (you’ll be awake but have a reduced level of consciousness and won’t recall anything), or general anaesthesia (you’ll be fully unconscious and won’t remember anything). The kind you receive is determined by how tough the dentist or surgeon believes the surgery will be, as well as your level of anxiety. It’s important to discuss this with your dental team ahead of time since, depending on the type of anaesthesia you’ll be having, you’ll be recommended to avoid from eating or drinking for a particular number of hours before the surgery.

Schedule Your Dental Appointment

With My Wisdom Tooth Dentist Perth

If you’d like to chat to our friendly staff regarding our dental services or to schedule an appointment with Wisdom Tooth Dentist Perth please call us on: (08) 9020 7003